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I'm Chuck Nellis!
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I don't care what 'race' you are, we're all part of the human race.
You're either cool, alright, or an a-hole in my view.


The Ukraine war is to cover the crimes of money laundering, child prostitution, biowarfare, human slavery, and banking.
It's got nothing to do with protecting Ukrainians.
Russia invaded to rid the world of them.
But MSM will never talk about that...

If our government operated as it was intended we wouldn't be talking about the government.
It would just work for us and stay the hell out of our lives.
Sorry, Ben, we failed to be a Republic.


I❤️Jesus, our Constitution, USA, & family * US Navy Veteran ⚓️ * Patriot * #KAG #CruzCrew #NRA #NASCAR