I tell you one thing...
I honestly think that the government is going to milk this covid crap for everything they can.
I think it will lead to a cashless society so that no one spreads this virus....
I am starting to think may even make it mandatory to get the immunization shot when it becomes available. The problem I have is people, politicians and others want to have a “digital receipt” implanted in you which the shot... this “digital receipt” is a microchip that will have the ability to reprogram regularly with your banking through 5g towers, health and other personal information.. basically the Mark of the beast.
I believe if you refuse this immunization shot - for safety of others sake, you’ll be arrested or worse.. if you refuse it to your kids? They’ll take your kids from you!
Think about it.... to me it’s almost obvious what is going on..
All this for a man made virus! One that was “pat toned” in 2016... you can only Patton stuff that’s is designed and made by man....
It’s scary to think about... but look around..
people wearing masks world wide... schools closed EVERYWHERE, most jobs closed.... people are scared to even touch money when exchanged... plastic window for even cashiers at the local markets (like bank tellers). Today, I watched a Costco cashier spray bleach on my wife’s cash and change before putting the money in her drawer.
Stores have limited food supplies..... this is BIBLICAL times.....
anyone else on the same page on this as me?