"[Bill Gates] funded research to keep a record of vaccination on a patient’s skin. It tested an invisible dye that could last up to five years and be read with a specially adapted smartphone."

Now you tell me that Gates is not part of the draconian movement to track people, to implement a social credit system where people that refuse to accept his vaccinations are not allowed to travel, to buy and sell, to do anything socially. The articles try to claim he doesn't want to track people, but when you are not allowed to participate, to buy and sell, to go places unless you accept their vaccines, you ARE being tracked. That is a fact. Bill Gates is part of the evil in this world . . .


Conspiracy Theory Misinterprets Goals of Gates Foundation - FactCheck.org

Conspiracy Theory Misinterprets Goals of Gates Foundation - FactCheck.org

A conspiracy theory falsely claims Bill Gates is plotting to use COVID-19 testing and a future vaccine to track people with microchips. The Gates Foundation has advocated for expanded testing and has funded vaccine research, but neither of those invo