Well, all these weeks staying home and being paranoid about CoViid-19, fearing whether or not we will see another week or is this invisible killer are going to get me.

Latest studies by the CDC have shown that the chance of transmitting CoVid-19 over a surface is almost ZERO. Now the CDC is releasing that catching the virus from asymptomatic carriers is almost ZERO. Yes, the one thing they used the most to keep us in an unconstitutional lock down is now—listen to that—not even worth talking about anymore.

After carefully reviewing cases and death rates, the 3.4% death rate of CoVid-19 has now been reduced to 0.26%. That is a factor of 13.5. Please let that sink in, those so-called-experts intentionally inflated the death rate by a factor of 13.5 to keep us in fear and locked down.

Why should we continue to believe anything these "experts" are saying? All the technology they have, all the knowledge they have all the data they have. Yet, the couldn't have been more wrong with their predictions.

This leads me to ask the following question. Was all that intentionally? Has the public been mislead to see how far the deep state can push us? Was this a trial run for something bigger to come?

Only time will tell.


Does This CDC Study Deliver the Knockout Blow in the COVID Lockdown Debate?

Does This CDC Study Deliver the Knockout Blow in the COVID Lockdown Debate?

For weeks, the nation’s economy has been under lockdown to curb the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus. It’s contagious. That’s true, but in the span of a few days, the