There are so many conflicting stories going around about COVID-19 that it is difficult to discern what is true and what is not. The latest story is that COVID-19 has mutated into a new strain that is attacking young people. Mutations that happen spontaneously are destructive. Productive mutations that serve a useful purpose for a species don't happen by accident. Coronaviruses have been around for years and there is no vaccine for any of them that has been publicized. The COVID-19 strain of coronavirus and any mutation thereof came out of someone's laboratory. Where was the laboratory? Conspiracy theories have it that the laboratory was in either China or the United States or both. If it occurred "natually" (meaning not man-made), then the "laboratory" was extraterrestrial. This assertion brings instant ridicule from those who "don't want to go there". Secular humanists don't want to admit that some "natural" catastrophes were caused by something intelligent because they would have to admit that the human race is not in charge of its own destiny. Genesis 1 tells us who invented biology. It is based on a language and to have a language you need a linguist, so biology was invented; it did not just evolve. Romans 1:28 summarizes what Romans 1 has to say about secular humanists: "And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient".