Reflecting over the year so far... there is a spirit of fear over this nation... and world... that must be overcome. The Illuminati virus has crippled the world in fear... we are now afraid to shake hands... hug people... and we cower behind masks in a false sense of security. Churches have been closed because of all the fear... they are afraid to baptize people, or to lay hands on people or to assemble together or to spread the gospel... and the media and politicians propagate and spread the fear shamelessly... like gasoline on a fire... this fear is far deadlier than the Illuminati virus itself! It is projected that near a quarter of a billion people could starve to death in the 3rd world because of supply chain disruptions by the end of the year... all because of fear!
The LORD said, "My people perish for lack of knowledge"... and the Bible proclaims 365 times to, "Fear not!"... We aren't doing the great commission because of fear of this Illuminati virus!
I proclaim today that I do not fear this virus... I understand and have the knowledge on as to how to prevent this virus... and how to overcome it if I were to get it... God does not give us a spirit of fear but of a sound mind! Jesus does indeed heal the sick miraculously as well... I have seen and experienced it myself personally! Praise Jesus!
I am not a doctor but I have read and heard a lot of them on this... if you listen to the media you will be left without hope and be left fearful... they say only a vaccine is the answer... there could not be a bigger lie than that!
Knowledge is power... viruses spread through the body through receptor sites in individual cells... once attached they replicate and spread... If a cell is loaded with zinc, the zinc covers the receptor site and stops the virus from replicating... so zinc is very important in your diet... I supplement this daily as a preventative... since starting I have not been sick this year! Vitamin D3 puts zinc into the cells... so supplement this as well... vitamin A shields the cells from intrusion... and vitamin C blocks cytokine storm... an immune over response to a virus... so supplement daily these things as a preventative!
Again Knowledge is power... if someone gets the Illuminati virus and starts developing symptoms... do NOT place on a ventilator with heavy pressure. It will permanently damage the lungs and could kill the patient! Instead use high oxygen and a BiPap to keep the body oxygenated... the lungs filling with fluid is cytokine storm overreaction to the virus... interveinious high dose vitamin C will stop this and clear up the condition... Hydroxychloroquine pushes zinc into the cells like vitamin D3 does... It has a 98% success rate!
Masks do not protect from the virus... It may stop droplets but like I have heard... trying to stop viruses or bacteria with a mask is like trying to keep mosquitoes out of the yard with a chain-link fence...
All this I have heard from certified doctors!
Again... Jesus does miraculously heal people! I once had a large patch of eczema on my back... about 8 inches in diameter... it itched like fire and I was constantly scratching it... it plagued me for around 8 years... I tried every cream on the market and heavy duty prescription steroid creams... nothing would even phase it! I wore holes in the backs of my shirts from scratching it!
One day I was praying for relief and in church someone laid hands on me and prayed and it just disappeared in 2 days. Jesus was the only changepoint! He healed me and I thank Him greatly...
Please, fear not anymore... this hysteria, panic and fear is from lack of knowledge and even worse from a lack of faith. Jesus is not afraid one bit of this virus... He gave us believers a job to do... the great commission... spread the gospel... lay hands on people and heal the sick... If He brings us to it... He will bring us through it... Dear Father, In Jesus name I cast the spirit of fear away... and for eyes to open up towards knowledge and to freedom... Be free and fear no more... God loves you... I trust you Jesus... I pray for healing for all who read this... In Jesus name... Amen.