Everyone is in a panic.....everyone is unsure of what to do. I'll tell you where you start to get some action. You go to your county sheriff and ask him if he's a Constitutional sheriff. If he/she isn't or if he/she doesn't know what you mean, watch this video and find out how to help your county sheriff be your first line of defense against the the state and other local government. The sheriff is YOUR employee! HE/SHE is there to protect you and your Constitutional rights! Please....if you only watch one video today, let it be this one called Don't Tread On Me by Sheriff Richard Mack! Get involved! Don't wait for someone else to come rescue you in this time of sweeping changes! BE the one who starts making the change on your local level. You will be amazed at what can and will happen from there! Oh, and wait until you hear what COVID really stands for!