If you would have shown me the headlines we see this year just a decade ago, it would have been hard to believe. An episode of the Twilight Zone would have been more believable.We have a so called pandemic, which led to not only loss of personal freedom, but loss of employment for millions, and the closing of all schools. Children are losing all sense of what is normal. Said pandemic has less cases than the annual flu, and also less victims, but most Americans are largely complacent about this fraud and do not think it strange to wear a mask on their face at all times.
One of the 2 major parties in the US is now openly supporting domestic terrorists, receive bribes from China and who knows from what other sources, and openly supports Communism/Fascism/Anarchy. Said party has also colluded to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. Said party also colluded and colludes with China, which is the originator of the aforementioned 'pandemic'. Said party also now has a presidential candidate who is a pedophile, accused of molesting women, has accepted bribes and was involved in shady dealing with foreign powers, has betrayed the country and risked the lives of citizens, and is half senile.
Said candidate picked a running mate who has whored her way up the political ladder with a married man, is accused of corruption and shady dealings, has no discernible positions other than being anti American, and there are serious doubts about whether or not she is actually a naturalized American citizen. Neither one of her parents seemed to have been American citizens when they had her, and did not live in the US to boot. It worked with Obama, and he was supposedly 'elected' twice by the majority, but more likely via voter fraud.