Update added 12/21
The Deep State is in panic, and are turning up the heat...keep fighting, do not give up. It is only over when God says it is over. To capitulate means to dishonor those that came before us to fight for freedom. I was born in a divided country, the East being Communist, the West was free. Daily we read reports an heard about the news of people being shot, drowned, electrocuted, attempting to cross the border just for trying to be free. Communism is satanic to the core, and those who promote it are as well. If you have to lock people in, control their every move, have neighbors spy on neighbors, put people in Gulags for simply disagreeing with your political views, then then you serve a master who hates mankind, and wants our destruction. We re created to be free and make our own choices, with a Government controlled by us,not vice versa. People are already conceding this fraudulent election, and are saying that it is futile to fight back. That is exactly what the enemy wants us to do. A minimum of 74 million people voted for President Trump, but in reality there were many more. We have the power to stop the outrage perpetrated by the left and their elite controllers. Stop the theft. Get angry and fight. Share the real news on social media, share it via email however you can.