Love Dare 11: Love walks with God.

Good disciples of Christ also tend to make good spouses. Your role as husband or wife is greatly enhanced by being a faithful and growing Christian. People who are not pursuing an intimate relationship with God are significantly limited, left to rely on their own feelings, thoughts, and efforts. When we refuse to obey Christ commands, our spouses are left to deal with the fallout.

Only those living is fellowship with Christ are able to access His toolbox for marriage. His Word will nourish you spiritually and equip you for every good work. His counsel can guide your decisions with divine wisdom. Rather than your spouse having to depend on their own influence to change you, they know the Holy Spirit is already busy working on you and maturing you from the inside out.

It’s romantic for a woman to see her strong husband humbling himself before God. It’s inspiring for a man to see his wife living with deep conviction and passion. Walking with God is better than a thousand marriage books or counseling sessions.


What are your priorities for you marriage? How important is your walk with God to you? Are you helping your marriage in this area, or hindering it?

Adapted from The Love Dare- Day by day
A year of devotions for couples by Kendrick
