#oregon ... "B 605 is a terrible example of partisanship in the Oregon State Senate.

Despite erroneous statements on the Floor of the Senate about cooperation and support the official record in OLIS Testimony is all opposed.
The witness lists in OLIS (Oregon Legislative Information System) only shows the urban Senator sponsoring the bill and the full time union supported proponents in favor. All others are opposed or neutral per the official record. Not one of the named organizations supposedly in strong support other than the one union fire district is in the legislative record. Not one.

It is clear this bill was crafted in secret. This is why the public are denied access to their Capitol by the Democrat President and Speaker.

This bill sponsored in Portland reverses the votes of the citizens in Douglas County 178 miles away. It removes the ability of
local citizens to vote on local fire issues. It bypasses the authority of county commissions. It is apparently designed to fund union firefighters to replace volunteers.

It intentionally deepens enflames and exacerbates the urban rural
divide in the Legislative Assembly. No rural citizen should think cooperation with urban legislators is possible as SB 605 is one of many examples of the super majority attack on rural Oregonians during this closed secret session."