At the beginning of 1605
the gunpowder plot was set to fail,
less than a year later
Guy Fawkes was sent to jail.
In March the plotters rented a room
to smuggle in their weapon of choice,
Barrlels of gunpowder secretley stashed
yet no one even heard a noise.
By October a letter was sent
of the evil plan to Lord Monteagle,
the plotters didnt really care
that their plan was illegal.
A search was ordered by James the King
to hunt the houses of Parliament,
The barrels were found
in the storeroom they had for rent
Guy Fawkes makes his confession
in London's very big tower,
all the plotters including Fawkes
instantly lost all their power
On November the Ninth of 1605
The opening of Parliament took place
but locked away was Guy Fawkes
never again to show his face.

I'm thinking Guy Fawkes was born in the wrong century. We need him now.
