Keeping one's good name

IT CAN give you a lot to look closely at a beautiful painting. On closer inspection, one will notice that the artist has applied various colors to the canvas with hundreds of brushstrokes.

Also, a good name is not created - to stay with this image - by a single thick brushstroke, but by many small deeds over a period of time. Yes, a good reputation is acquired bit by bit through deeds.

On the other hand, a single misplaced brushstroke can diminish the value of a painting. It is the same with a person's reputation. The wise King Solomon said, "It is the folly of a man of the earth that perverts his way" (Proverbs 19:3). Even so-called folly is enough-perhaps a violent outburst of anger, excessive drinking, or a sexually impure act-to sully a good reputation (Proverbs 6:32; 14:17; 20:1). How important, therefore, it is to acquire a good name and to be earnest in preserving it! (Compare Revelation 3:5.)