As far as the Jews of Israel and America go, the situation is not so good. The old white male billionaires who are often Jewish are desperate to alter the focus from themselves to A scapegoat, and they know the perfect candidate are the regular Jewish people. They will not offer Jews A good deal unless you fight them for it. They would much rather you volunteer your family for beatings on the cheap. Look at how many Israeli and American Jews they harmed with the covid vaccine.
G-d bless, G-d has made the most powerful in the world, the best liars and the most ruthless tyrants all have A great weakness, all of human kind finds them illegitimate, and thanks to that disposition, corruption abounds.
The people in charge use the suffering and the fears of Jews as A tool to make the gentiles docile. Imagining they are in charge of the world, and that the world is A good and fair place.
I imagine things will grow very dark in the world, before the people of the world are willing to hear that we all can accept each others inequality, and by supporting fair distribution of freedom and wealth, we will be saved.
White supremacy is A death sentence. It is not possible for the people of the world to be completely free. If they are completely free they will war against those they hate. People hate those they are unequal to, and many more reasons. By steadfastly calling for justice, we can create A world where wealth and freedom are distributed according to need and merit, A world based on G-d’s goodness, A world that is better for all, and A blessing for all. A world where we will not all be rich, or the rulers of the world, but A world where what we get is tailored to our basic needs, and blessed with G-ds plenty. A world with hope, A world you can believe in.
I hope we do not have to be humbled before we hear the offer for A G-dly world. Perhaps entrenched evils must be overthrown. Perhaps the appearance of entrenched evils must be first overthrown. How far freedom of speech can take us rather than suffering, is up to us.
Imagine how nice it would be for black people to be able to go to A club and have A good time? It can be done. Agreement to the security that is needed, and information about who the troublemakers are.
The way the system works, is it devours the energy of the evil, and those who imagine they are good. The reason the people on the top of evil, sacrifice the evil is not because the lower ranks are rebellious, but because they are serving G-d at the top, draining the life from the sinners.
People who want to believe that there are no dictators in the world, and no bad people in government get angry when you tell them that there are bad forces in this world, and sometimes they get the upper hand.
That does not mean that we should lie down at the first sign of trouble. Surrender to any tyrant, just because it seems like they have the most power at the moment. We know the fruits of dictatorships, we know the results of governments who claim to be wealth distributing communists. We know that poverty, infighting, corruption and collapse is their destiny. But we do not have to let things get to that point.
Many of our countrymen are angry at us for things we cannot control. They wish to blame us for inequality that is as much A part of homogenous nations, as it is multicultural nations. Most of us do not believe that capitalism is the cure for sin, that inequality between classes should be regulated. But for you to take that fight, and reduce it to every profession, and every job position, exposes us to tremendous danger, harm, and economic destruction.
Worst of all you do not have the agreement of the American people for your radical desires, you are in league with tyrant billionaires, who are lying to you about their commitment to equality. They exempt themselves from affirmative action laws, and wealth redistribution. You are destroying the nation and the laws that has made more wealthy and middle class people of every race, and replaced it with A two bit dictatorship, where every man is A beggar, and every woman is A prostitute, just like most of the socialist world. The people of the world do not know how white people and Jews think differently that makes them able to become rich nations. But those of you who have grown up in America do know the difference between A country with freedom, free markets, capitalism, freedom of the press, and all the other virtues that G-d has elevated in this world.
When you demand that every race is represented equally among doctors, you hurt people. When you demand that every race is equally represented among inventors, you hurt your country, and all the people in it. When you demand equality among bankers, lawyers, engineers, scientists and A host of other fields, you hurt your nation, and all its people. We are all much poorer for these unreasonable, and illogical demands.
We can have A