The well-publicized arrest of left wing, billionaire, child rapist and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein (cough cough) has caused the ears of we who have followed the recently silent Internet poster Q-Anon for the past 19 months to perk up with renewed interest and hope. Before anyone in normie America had ever even heard of Mr. Epstein, Q had revealed, in no uncertain terms and many months ago, that this previously untouchable, abusive, sex-mad piece of human filth would be going down hard and taking others with him. Lo and behold, now he has -- and Q Anon, after two months of relative silence or just useless posts, has suddenly exploded with juicy hints of what is yet to come.

And pay no mind to the Fake News reports which name Donald Trump as a "friend" of Epstein's, or that his current Labor Secretary (then controlled by George Bush) helped to negotiate the plea deal with Epstein many years ago. It was the Bush Justice Department which let him walk after that 2007 sham investigation and "work release" deal; and it was the Obongo Justice Department which continued to leave him alone, even after it became clear that he had resumed his evil activities.

It was not until February 6th of this year that the decision to reopen the case against Epstein was made by the Trump Justice Department, headed by the "silent assassin" whom we were all, for strategic purposes, led to believe was "inept" and at odds with Trump -- one Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions. And just two days later, on February 8th, after ordering this very last of many "hits" against assorted bad guys and Deep Staters, Sessions was finally "fired" for his "ineffectiveness." We expect that he will run for, and win, his old Senate seat back in Alabama. Well played Trump. Well played!
