Health News: Mayor Hospitalized After COVID Vaccine Reaction, Bedridden For More Than 35 Days

Claire Boan, Mayor of Port Adelaide, told of her “traumatic” experience, being bedridden for more than 35 days after a severe reaction to her second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS reports one million negative reactions and deaths from Covid shots in the U.S. Columbia University estimates 20 times higher numbers and Harvard estimates 10 to 100 times higher than VAERS. People condemn Democrats for crimes against humanity.

AMERICANS DEMAND LIBERTY. No one can take away God-given rights to refuse a shot. The people against freedom are the enemy of God and America. #americafirst

Mayor Hospitalized After COVID Vaccine Reaction, Bedridden For More Than 35 Days

Mayor Hospitalized After COVID Vaccine Reaction, Bedridden For More Than 35 Days

“I have had every symptom you could dream of and my body continues to display new ones. It’s been exhausting for my body, traumatic for my family, and difficult for my mind. Last night, I couldn’t put my kids to bed or check on them as they slept at night, and I haven’t done that for over a month, either.”