Good morning and HAPPY MONDAY WARRIORS!!! Read God’s Word, speak with Him in prayer (and make sure you listen too!), put on your armor, and FIGHT!!!! Submit to God, Resist and Refuse the Enemy. Don't give the Enemy a foothold! Don't let him win ANY Battle!

If you set out to "do" anything . . . even figuring you are "doing it" for the Lord, if the Lord does not task you with doing it, it will fail. God has given each of us specific talents and ministries. If we try to do anything by our own devices, it is sure to fail.

If you want to do something for the Lord, ask Him what He wants you to do. It might be that you aren't ready quite yet. God started this spiritual warfare ministry YEARS ago with me. I actually started mapping out a website several years ago (that was nothing like it is NOW), but realized it wasn't time yet. When it WAS time, The Battle is REAL website, was brought to life by the unction of the Holy Spirit and was up and running in a matter of DAYS. THAT, Warriors, was the Lord.

He will always equip us and take us to heights unknown, if ONLY WE ARE SENSITIVE AND OBEDIENT TO HIS CALLING. Amen.
