Sarah Haines and her lies about the pro-life movement in her response to Congressman Matt Gaetz’s rebuke to pro-abortion activists.

1. The View’s Sarah Haines claims that professing pro-lifers are willing to eliminate the life of a mother in order to “save a clump of cells.” Granted that some pregnant women can and do experience pregnancy complications that can be life threatening but if there are to be such risks, they generally do not occur until the later trimesters and under such circumstances, a mother is not sacrificed against her own will. If she is to die in order for her baby to be saved, she is the one who makes that choice, not the physicians tending to her.

It must also be noted that not long after conception, it has been undeniably demonstrated that the fetus is not a clump of cells but a baby in development. Even medical doctors have challenged the propagated notion that a fetus is nothing more than a clump of cells at the moment of conception.

2. Haines goes on to preposterously claim that everyone is pro-life. If that were so, then abortion would not be an issue.

3. She also makes another preposterous claim that no one thinks that abortion is murder but if that were so, then what would be the point of a pro-life movement? Apparently a lot of people DO think abortion is murder. Even some advocates for abortion have admitted that abortion is the killing of a baby.

And finally, the irony of her closing statements:

“So many of us are concerned about people that don’t have a voice. They don’t have the agency to speak up. They need power. They need a platform.”

Does that include the unborn as well? They don’t have a voice. They don’t have the agency to speak up.

What’s This Nonsense On The View? ‘Nobody’s Pro-Abortion’ But ‘Everyone Is Pro-Life’ - Liberty One News

What’s This Nonsense On The View? ‘Nobody’s Pro-Abortion’ But ‘Everyone Is Pro-Life’ - Liberty One News

I think anyone could have called this one. During a Turning Point USA meeting, Rep Matt Gaetz set himself up to be more of a target when he came hard for pro-abortion activists saying “Like, why is it that the women with the least likelihood of getti