Think about it Patriots, if President Trump can get this much done in 3 years while under combat fire EVERYDAY from the Globalists, can you imagine the magnitude of his achievements for America would be if We controlled the House, the Senate, the White House and the Supreme Court of the United States?

The way to Take Back Our Country truly is with our voices, with our votes. If we go RED everywhere, we get: Democrat Criminals and Corrupt Intel Agents locked up, then we get to pass Congressional Term Limits as of January 20, 2021 (Ted Cruz plan), we then get to appoint many more Constitutionally Conservative and Judicially Ethical Justices and bring back a strong Law and Order mission in America.

Next we change how we Educate our youth, teens and young adults, focusing on the booming economy and the great careers in the Infrastructure Growth and Prosperity of America. Trade Schools replace the miserably failed "public education" system. Students and graduates actually learn life skills for their survival. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS.
