I wrote the book on the Obama administration’s “Culture of Corruption” 10 years ago, including a thick and sordid chapter on the Beltway swamp creatures of the Biden family.

See-no-evil liberals scoffed at my catalogue of back-scratching, shady Delaware deals and Wall Street funny money: What nepotism? What ethical lapses? What corruption?

Now, Hunter Biden himself, the youngest son of former Vice President and Democratic presidential front-runner Joe Biden, finally admitted this week what Daddy’s pooh-poohing pals have long (publicly) denied:

“I don’t think that there’s a lot of things that would have happened in my life if my last name wasn’t Biden,” Hunter confessed on ABC’s Good Morning America Tuesday.

Well, knock me over with a feather and plaster-cast my shocked face. https://www.conservativeinstit....ute.org/opinion/belt

MICHELLE MALKIN: Beltway Bidenspawn-ship has its privileges

MICHELLE MALKIN: Beltway Bidenspawn-ship has its privileges

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