To all of the liberal Democrats and activists who decry the precise strike that killed the Iranian Quds leader... might I remind you that we've been at war with Iran since their hostage taking storming of our embassy in Tehran in 1979? The Iranians bombed and mined ships in the Persian Gulf in the mid 1980s that caused the US to police the area...
Their surrogates were directly responsible for the Beirut bombing that killed 241 US military personnel on 23 Oct 1983 who were serving there as peace keepers to provide a buffer between the Israeli forces and the various Muslim factions... those Iranians also hung USMC LtCol Higgins in July 1989... those same Iranians worked as insurgents to kill US forces in Iraq with EPVs since 2003... I applaud Pres Trump for doing what no other POTUS has been willing to do... Semper Fi!