25 Reasons why we should close our borders to fight the spread of the deadly Wuhan Coronavirus Virus Pandemic by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 15 February, 2020

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Story 1: The Lead Story: 25 Reasons why we should close our borders to fight the spread of the deadly Wuhan Coronavirus Virus Pandemic. I repeat once again, that it is deadly reckless, not to close our borders with the Wuhan Coronavirus Virus Pandemic spreading.
1. Virus comes into our eyes, so masks are not a complete protection.
2. CDC is telling folks that don’t have to wear masks (and we wonder why some claim this is a False Flag due to intentionally spreading?).
3. Transmission comes from coughs and other airborne particles, like sneezing.
4. Temperature checks are not effective.
5. Infected persons shed the virus while showing no signs of having it.
6. There is uncertainty about how long a person may have wt before showing signs; some say one week, others two weeks, and there is one report of a person showing signs after 40 days.
7. It is reported that the virus can remain alive for up to 9 days (or more) on surfaces like doors, keypads, and even money.
8. Supers Spreaders have the potential to shed to several people.
9. I state again, for emphasis, that the face mask is not effective; eyes need to be covered.
10. China reports 1,700 Healthcare workers are infected. 6 doctors have died; no news on how many nurses. Thus we have to ask, if these medical personnel were wearing their protective clothing correctly, or how else did they become infected; what are we missing?
11. A newspaper in China, supported by the Chinese government, published a story that virus patients can have around 42 days of asymptomatic life before showing signs – all the while being able to shed the virus to others.
12. Questions remain about the virus; is it a manmade bio weapon or natural occurrence. If natural, how did it become tainted with HIV DNA; we don’t know as of today. Is the claim of HIV DNA a false story or true?
13. 400 million to 500 million people in China living under quarantine.
14. We don’t know the mutation range.
15. We have learned from the Diamond Princess Cruise ship as their numbers went from 39 to 66 to 135; this points to the virus being very easily transmitted.
16. The tests don’t show if a person has the virus in some cases. We have reports of persons showing negative, and then showing up later with the virus. Is the test missing it, or is the test broken?
17. The media reports that the President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences has stated that the test kits are only 30% to 50% accurate. In reverse, that means up to 70% of kits are giving false results; missing