"There is nothing in the law or precedent to establish a blanket and arbitrary assertion of “state of emergency” as an unquestionable authority. There is nothing in law or precedent to support a restriction on the number of people who can assemble in a church, for health reasons or otherwise, as a criterion for denying the essential Right of Freedom of Religion. There is everything in history and experience that says such actions by government are unreasonable and oppressive restrictions upon the essential and inherent Right of Freedom of Religion."

https://www.revival.com/a/COVI....D19-Restrictions-and - MUST Read It ALL!

COVID19 Restrictions and Freedom of Religion

COVID19 Restrictions and Freedom of Religion KrisAnne Hall, JD   A bloody path was trod to bring religious freedom to modern America. Christian martyrs and patriots secured our God-given right to Freedom of Religion with their sufferin