"You're not a hero if you're contracting, and thus becoming infectious, in a hospital from the bugs the patients have. You're a zero because by definition you can be, and probably are, giving it to others -- and quite probably a lot of of others.

And don't tell me medical workers, including doctors and nurses, wash their hands in hospitals generally. They most-certainly do not. My dentist's office is better at it (and yeah, I pay attention to it too) but in no hospital I've ever been in attending to family members and friends has every doctor and nurse, when entering the room, washed their hands right there, done whatever, and then done it again on the way out. Never once. Not when my mother was in having cancer surgery (!!!), not when I was visiting my sister in step-down, not when other family members and friends have been in a hospital, never, ever, anywhere with that protocol, period."

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Highly-Infectious Disease And Hospital Workers in [Market-Ticker]

Highly-Infectious Disease And Hospital Workers in [Market-Ticker]

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