The relationship between humans and jinn

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The world of jinn and demons and the world of human beings are two different worlds, so the human world in relation to the jinn is visible and visible, and the world of the jinn in relation to humans is unseen.

The world of jinn and demons and the world of human beings are two different worlds, so the human world in relation to the jinn is visible and visible, and the world of the jinn in relation to humans is unseen.

And if we contemplated the relationship that binds the two worlds since ancient times, we would find that it is the same that has not changed. The Almighty said: {And that men from among mankind used to seek refuge with men from the jinn, but they increased them in burden} (Al-Jinn: 6) And the Almighty said: {And on the Day when He will gather them all, O assembly of jinn, you have increased from mankind. And He said: Their guardians are among mankind. Our Lord, we enjoyed each other, and we have reached our term which you have set for us. He said: The Fire is your abode, to abide therein, except as God wills.

Indeed, your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing} (Al-An’am: 128). The relationship between humans and jinn is summed up in this verse as a relationship based on exchange - what its owners believe - benefits. And interests, which are in reality pure harm, so the enjoyment of mankind by the jinn is in seeking refuge with them and feeling their protection, so the man in the pre-Islamic period would descend to the earth and say: I seek refuge in the greatness of this valley

As for the jinn's enjoyment of humans, what they get from a sense of greatness and pride when humans seek refuge with them, so they say: We have blocked humans and jinn.

This is what the people of interpretation said, and it is not hidden that what they mentioned is a microcosm of this relationship of enjoyment, and that this relationship is broader than seeking refuge in the one who descends in the valley, and the jinn are proud of that and their enjoyment of it, but it is in the same context, as the human gives obedience and perhaps worship to the jinn, and the jinn give the benefits of magic and sorcery to humans. The relationship is mutual between the two parties, but in the worst forms of relations and the lowest status.

In this article, we try to monitor some images of that relationship between the two parties (humans and jinn) through Quranic verses and authentic hadiths. Let's give a correct perception of it.

First: misleading and corrupting the servants: This is the goal of what the devils ask of people, rather they consider it their message in life, for Satan does not approach and honor the devils except for those who exaggerate in misleading and corrupting the servants.

The Almighty said: {Indeed, Satan is an enemy to you, so make him an enemy. } (Fatir: 6). On the authority of Jabir bin Abdullah, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: (The devil places his throne on the water, then he sends his squadrons, so we brought them closer to him in the position of the greatest sedition.

One of them comes and says: I did such and such, and he says: I did nothing He said: Then one of them comes and says: I did not leave him until I separated him from his wife, he said: So he brings him closer to him and says: Yes you are) Narrated by Muslim.

Second: Human worship of the jinn: This is the worst type of relationship between the two parties, which is the relationship of slavery and subjugation. The Almighty said: {And they made partners with God for the jinn} (Al-An’am: 100) Al-Qurtubi said in the interpretation of the verse: “This is a mention of another type of their ignorance, that is, among them are those who believe in God.” Partners from the jinn.. And the verse was revealed about the Arab polytheists.

And the meaning of associating them with the jinn is that they obeyed them as obedience to God Almighty.

Third: Devils teach people magic:
Some believe that magic has a miraculous power, and that it enables them to control their own kind, and others believe that the jinn and demons have the power of magic and ways to learn it, so they obey them in return for obtaining that power, and the demons exploited this belief, and linked its implementation to disbelief in God Almighty, so they investigated that. Two goals, the first: expelling people from their religion, and the second: spreading corruption among them.

The Most High said: {And they followed what the devils recite against the king of Solomon, and Solomon did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic and what was sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut, and they did not teach anyone until they said, “We are only a trial, so do not disbelieve.”

Then they learn from them what they divide between a man and his wife, and what they are harmful with. from anyone except with God’s permission, and they learn that which harms them and does not benefit them, and they have already known to the one who buys it that he will have no reward in the Hereafter, and what a miserable thing they sold themselves for if they only knew.”

س(Al-Baqara: 102) There is no doubt that the window of magic is the widest window through which the demons of the jinn overlook human demons, and because of it many people have gone astray.


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