Here is #bidenomics in one handy chart! GDP is down, #inflation is up, US debt is unsustainable, and gas prices are through the roof!


Thank You Mike Rogers for Getting Back in the Fight for Senior Citizens!

Seniors are struggling in this economy!

"A recent study shows that inflation and the current cost of living is having a devastating impact on the country’s retirees."

New Commentary from Saul Anuzis - "The Kamala Harris strategy is 'strategic ambiguity.' In other words, don’t tell people what you really think and/or support, and see if you can fool most of the voters… and many will fall for it."


This Week: Kamala Harris flip flops on southern border wall, Larry Hogan looking good in Maryland Senate polls, and Tulsi Gabbard endorses Trump!

New Commentary from Saul Anuzis - "I suggest we move to a National Vote ID system where we use blockchain technology to register voters requiring proof of citizenship for those allowed to vote in federal elections."


60 Plus fights to save Social Security and Medicare, kill the Death Tax, and make sure seniors have affordable energy options. Our spokesman is legendary entertainer Pat Boone.