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Back to Basics 101
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WATER...what is it? Prior to 2013 my answer would have simply is the clear wet stuff that comes out of our faucets and we either drink, cook with, clean with, or for obvious reasons, use in the bathroom. Outside of that, what else is there to know...ALOT. When I hear some in the medical profession suggest that they believe water is the single most important thing we can do for health, pre 2013 I would have laughed or at least, questioned...NOT ANYMORE. There is so much about the properties of water that people need to know. Most people believe that bottled water is better than tap water, maybe or maybe not but what you pay for it should give you pause. A study done using California numbers showed a family of four over 5 years would spend anywhere from $5500 to $32000 depending upon the "brand name" with AquaFina on the low side and Evian on high side. One difference other than price is pH value with one Acidic and one Alkaline. Do your research regarding that and which is better. Another is ORP value of being positive or negative and again, do your research on what that means and which is better for health. There is a Nobel prize winner who can answer that question and why. Unfortunately, you can not buy that kind of water, but you can make that kind of water, the same kind of water that is deep underground and unaffected by mankind. In that same California study, the cost to make your own $2500 thru technology.
Our planet is covered by 75% water and when born, our body was almost 75% water and water remains our "main ingredient" through out life. It makes sense that we need to replenish our bodies water supply constantly, but "with the right kind of water". Again you can't buy it in a plastic bottle, but can make your own through a natural process with includes electricity. We are...what we put into our body. 3196104290

Last week I drove to Green Bay, WI to see a friend...a dying friend, a former bandmate from 1989. Back then Deano was around 22, a great musician, and partier and no doubt at such a young age, feeling indestructable. Unfortunately 30+ plus years later, Father Time will get the last word. The trip was 700 miles and 12 hours for what amounted to a 5 hour visit. Didn't know what to expect when I got there or how I would react being with someone who is terminal and KNOWS IT and has for awhile. We had a nice visit and when I left, knowing it would probably be the last time I saw him. Hopefully his sister who kind of takes care of him, will keep me posted. This incident along with the countless commercials I see and other people I know, remind me that health is often about "choices". My "come to Jesus" moment happened in 1999 with the fear of Cancer, but luckily it wasn't. Since then, "health" is always "top of mind" and a daily routine to stave off Father Time for as long as possible especially now as being on the wrong side of 65. Back to Basics 101 was started with the goal to get people to "think" about their health before a crisis happens or it is simply "too late" as is the case with Deano. With everything I have tried to do, all the money, time, and energy, it has fallen on "deaf" ears as people seem to just continue "as is". The icing on the last county fair of this Summer, my booth was next to that of a baker selling his specialty pastry called a "Kringle". They look yummy filled with fruits, sugar, calories, and fat...unhealthy as heck, but he was selling the crap out of them. Clearly people weren't concern and just wanted self gratification. While one "Kringle" is nothing, it is all the other Kringles that accumulate over time and cause problems. There are two good reasons that affect health...nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxicity. The first is simple...not giving our bodies the nutrition it needs, kinda like trying to race a car at Daytona using 87 ocatane ethanol gas. The second, an environment full of toxins that the covid pandemic has higlighted. There are "real" supplements that can give our bodies what it needs and there is "real" green technology that can help protect us from the toxins we are exposed to everyday. Vollara, the company I represent has those kind of solutions. 3196104290

The last couple of days have dealt with a cough and shortness of breath...a feeling of a big piece of cotton in my chest. After a couple of days of hoping it would just take care of itself I contacted a friend who I had lent my nebulizer and a product called Molecula Silver to help her with a respiratory ailment. I later found out she never used it, but picked it up last night and have used it. While early, the cotton feeling is gone and taking a deep breath feels like getting air in my lungs. I originally bought these products years ago when dealing with viral bronchitis for months. Even the doctor I ended up going to said with a viral thing, you are on your own and your body has to take care of it. He did give me an inhaler and a steroid called Predozone, neither doing anything. The silver and nebulizer took care of it within a day or two. Do natural remedies work...YOU BET and why I spend weeks at county fairs pleading that case and having little success. My first Fair a couple of weeks ago fell on deaf ears. I have two left with one starting next week. Should I expect a different result, probably not, but one can HOPE! Maybe people like being sick or taking "drugs" to make them feel better. Mother Nature is AMAZING if you look in the right places and let common sense work by saying to yourself...your body is your temple, work with it, help it, and it will return the favor with BETTER HEALTH!!

Today is Day 3 of Fair season in Iowa. With each season I look at the excitement and anticipation of getting out amongst the people. It is refreshing to see people enjoying life and NOT wearing a almost seems NORMAL. Each year my hope is to talk "shop" about health to people. In years past since doing this since 2015 I have been perplexed and disappointed at the lack of concern, but then again 20+ years ago, I was no different. With the last year of COVID I would think people would be more mindful, but so far it seems this year is like years past. Maybe that will change, I hope so. I don't do this for the money, but rather to simply help people thru information, but still with it costing $1400 per Fair with nothing in return, after a while you have to start looking at "why" you care when other seemingly don't and when your bank account sez STOP!

Yesterday my aunt was rushed to emergency because of a perferated appendix which might mean a ruptured appendix or in so many words...dangerous. Before she could have anything done she had to be tested for "covid" meaning about 1.5 hours of doing NOTHING and at 91, time matters. She had had the shot or shots months ago so WHY was potentially minutes wasted. Does this mean the "shot" doesn't really Grudgingly I wore my Humana cloth mask upon entering the hospital only to be told to wear one of these "not for medical use" Chinese made throwaways....questions, questions, questions. My aunt wasn't required to wear a mask while in a hospital room with people coming and going, but would have to wear one if she goes out in the hallway for a walk. I guess there are no germs in a hospital room, only beyond it's walls???? Common sense has left the building!


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