Many people have been worried and agitated over the happenings since January 6th, and are worried about an all out assault upon our liberties once the new President and Congress take over.

An additional problem that people are concerned about is the threat of big tech/social media companies attacking patriots and suppressing their voices, and being kicked off of various platforms.

Please allow me to help put things into perspective and offer some practical advice, a plan for the short term and to get ready for the future.

First, prepare for day to day communications with family and friends;

Have more than one email address available. Expect that since Google has long been suppressing internet search results, and recently attacking free speech/conservative platforms (such as attacking Parler recently), at some point, people identified as being conservatives could have their gmail accounts suspended or deleted. Consider having multiple email accounts with different providers.

Assume that you will be kicked off of social media platforms at some point. If there are people that you would still like to be in contact with, exchange contact information with one another. Exchange the home and cell phone numbers, email addresses, and the home/mailing addresses of those people.

Have accounts at more than one social media outlet. For example, have pages at Facebook, MeWe, Parler, and . Build networks with your friends on all of those platforms.

What we are after here are redundant systems of being able to communicate with friends/family and pass along information, via telephone, email, and social media platforms. The more avenues of communication and information, the better.

Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the future, or how tyrannical those in power will become. One thing for sure is that there will be all out assaults upon our God given rights, guaranteed by the Constitution and Bill of Rights. For example, our Second Amendment rights (our right to bear arms in defense of ourselves, family and country, and to be able to take down a tyrannical, overreaching government), along with our First Amendment (free speech and association and practice of religion), and Fourth Amendment (right against unreasonable searches and seizures).

I believe this nation would be best served by people nationwide refusing to comply with any new additional gun laws, which all true patriots know, are against the Second Amendment principle of “shall not be infringed”. Refuse to register, or turn in, any firearms or ammunition. Stockpile what you can. The more, the better, since it will only become more difficult to obtain arms and ammo in the future.

Stockpile food, water, medication/medical supplies, hygiene and cleaning supplies, which is always helpful, for events such as storms, disasters, or power outages. Even our government recommends that people have supplies available to sustain themselves for a few weeks, in case of emergency.

Above all else, keep calm and do critical thinking for yourself. Stay informed by getting news and information from multiple sources, not only from the mainstream media. Get info from alternative outlets such as various websites, alternative news channels, public radio, talk radio, blogs, etc. But understand this: There will be rumors and fake news from both sides of the political fence. Be skeptical and use your critical thinking skills. Don’t allow yourself to be manipulated into panicking over internet based stories, or things being passed along by people claiming to have “credible intelligence”. Keep calm, and use your head. Take a deep breath, and relax.

When the spring comes, and we enter milder weather, consider planting a garden to help feed yourself and family, and maybe even friends and neighbors.

Nobody knows what our future holds. But by anticipating and preparing for the worst, and praying for the best, we can weather the storms ahead and survive, and maybe even thrive.

I hope this gives you some ideas of what you can do for now. Having some sort of plan will help you to feel less stressed. Be prepared, pray for the best, and let’s wait and see what happens.

Feel free to copy and share this.
God bless you and your family, and God bless America.

Welcome to the new page! Hopefully, you've come over from Fascist Book! We have a page here on, a page on MeWe, and of course, the one where it all started, FascistBook.


Patriots in the Animal Service Industries
You mean I’m not the only conservative dog trainer?
Political Conservatives in the Animals Services Industry

Trainers, Groomers, dog-daycare, vet staff, rescue volunteers, zoo employees, shelter volunteers, and even some friends who are heavily involved in the animal world.