#bible, #obedience


Joshua 1:8; Luke 6:46; John 7:17; Hosea 6:3; John 8:31, 32; James 1:25; Ezra 7:10; Result, 2 Corinthians 3:18.
*If you want to know Jesus Christ, search the Scriptures. Hebrews 10:7.
*If you want to enjoy abiding communion with Christ, search the Scriptures. John 5:39.
*If you want your faith to become equal to all things possible, search the Scriptures. Romans 10:17.
*If you want to become a bold and courageous witness for Christ, search the Scriptures. Acts 4:13.
*If you want to know the liberty of the children of God, search the Scriptures. John 8:32.
*If you want to prosper in all things, search the Scriptures. Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2, 3.
*If you want to know the joy of sanctification, search the Scriptures. John 17:17.
*If you want to be abundant in winning souls, search the Scriptures. Psalm 127:6.

The immutability of God's word. Psalm 119:89; 138:2.

The Bible in two words: Jesus Christ.

"Only search with an humble spirit, ask in continual prayer, seek with purity of life, knock with personal perseverance, and cry to the good Spirit of Christ, the Comforter; and surely to every such asker it shall be given. Such searchers must needs find; to them it will be opened. Christ Himself will open the sense of Scripture, not to the proud or wise of the world, but to the lowly and contrite in heart; for He hath the key of David, Who opens and no man shuts, and Who shuts and no man opens. Finally, Brethren, Search the Scriptures.” ~~~ABP. PARKER.

#bible, #obedience


Joshua 1:8; Luke 6:46; John 7:17; Hosea 6:3; John 8:31, 32; James 1:25; Ezra 7:10; Result, 2 Corinthians 3:18.

*If you want to know Jesus Christ, search the Scriptures. Hebrews 10:7.
*If you want to enjoy abiding communion with Christ, search the Scriptures. John 5:39.
*If you want your faith to become equal to all things possible, search the Scriptures. Romans 10:17.
*If you want to become a bold and courageous witness for Christ, search the Scriptures. Acts 4:13.
*If you want to know the liberty of the children of God, search the Scriptures. John 8:32.
*If you want to prosper in all things, search the Scriptures. Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2, 3.
*If you want to know the joy of sanctification, search the Scriptures. John 17:17.
*If you want to be abundant in winning souls, search the Scriptures. Psalm 127:6.

The immutability of God's word. Psalm 119:89; 138:2.

The Bible in two words: Jesus Christ.

"Only search with an humble spirit, ask in continual prayer, seek with purity of life, knock with personal perseverance, and cry to the good Spirit of Christ, the Comforter; and surely to every such asker it shall be given. Such searchers must needs find; to them it will be opened. Christ Himself will open the sense of Scripture, not to the proud or wise of the world, but to the lowly and contrite in heart; for He hath the key of David, Who opens and no man shuts, and Who shuts and no man opens. Finally, Brethren, Search the Scriptures.” ~~~ABP. PARKER.

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Baptist, Premillennial, Dispensational, Literalists, King James Bible