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Larimer County Ghostbusters
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The Larimer County Ghostbusters is a cosplay group that dresses up as Ghostbusters, it was created in 2016 by Ghostbuster Flash.
In the past years we have helped out local non-profits by volunteering and making appearances at the events they were at, and we also have made various kid's birthday party appearances.
Some of the past events we did:
1. We helped and volunteered with the Larimer County Toys For Tots from 2016 to 218.
2. We helped and volunteered with the Larimer County Santa Cops from 2018 to 2019.
3. We've made several appearances at various kid's birthday parties.
4. In 2019 we attended the Denver Flight's Museum Haunting of the Hanger event.
5. In 2019 we attended the Monster Day event in Greeley.
We still make appearances upon request in Larimer County Colorado.
6. In 2019 we attended a car show fundraiser event at the Redeemer Church.
No event too big, No charity too small.
Thanks for stopping by our page.

Being thankful isn't for just one day in November, it is about being thankful each and every day.
So with that said.... we want to wish everyone a great and thankful Thanksgiving, as well as each and every day.
(27 days until Thanksgiving.)


Make sure you gather with friends and family this month, stay positive and keep the spirits in a good vibe.
There are lost of things to be thankful for.


It was a good local Halloween, despite the colder weather.
We handed out candy and saw many cool and creative costumes as local families stopped by. Always a good time.


We waited until the last minute to buy candy to hand out tonight for Halloween, why pay high candy prices when you can wait until it is on sale and marked down to a lower price.
Louis Tullly our account says that just makes sense.
Happy Halloween.
Stay safe and stay warm, this Halloween is going to be colder temperatures then last year's.


Today is Halloween eve... have a great Halloween tomorrow.
Have a great day, and keep bustin' ghosts.



The Larimer County Ghostbusters is a cosplay group that dresses up as Ghostbusters, in the past years we have helped local non-profits.