Beta-caryophyllene, has the ability to positively influence our overall wellness in ways we are just beginning to understand. See what recent research has discovered about this chemical consituent:

Suzi Overstreet added new photos to Promotions
5 yrs

Been thinking about up-leveling your wellness? Have a friend or family member that is looking for natural solutions in their life?

Do you need more:
• Energy
• Sleep
• Immunity

Do you need less:
• Sickness
• Fatigue
• Aches and Pains
• Brain Fog

Are you natural-minded but want to take it to a whole new level?

This month is the perfect month to become a dōTERRA member and earn a Lifelong Vitality pack for FREE by just placing a follow up (100PV+) LRP order in June!

Comment below and we will help you take your wellness up a notch!



The Oilspiration Nation Community was formed after a 20 year battle of Chronic Lyme Disease. 6 years ago, I ordered my first shipment of essential oils and natural products from dōTERRA 'knowing' they weren't going to work.

I WAS WRONG! I got my life back!

I now spend every day helping others do the same (with dedication, persistency, and determination) and it's the best feeling in the world. If you or someone you know struggles with Chronic illness, health concerns, or just want to learn to live a natural