The models that our experts build and seem to be a slave to have been tweaked several times now. No, the distancing and quarantine was a part of the model all along and some states were either late to start the mandated state wide distancing and shut downs or never did it all. Florida and Oklahoma yet the models factored them in from the beginning.
As more and more people are tested for the virus, it has become clear that the corona virus, covid 19. was here in our country as far back as October. There is a GROWING group of people tested that have already had it as far back as the fall last year. So, our herd immunity started last fall and is growing. That was not figured into the models.
Some of the temporary hospitals in several locations like NY and Washington and others are being dismantled and moved to other locations without having seen even a single patient. In those cases the hospitals were never over run with too many patients.
As of today, the world wide death count is about 100K.
Did we really need to shut down the whole world's economy? Did we really need to spend 3 1/2 trillion dollars because of this mess?