This is my new book. It is the sequel to Wyoming Thunder.
You may find this on Amazon. The Kindle edition is only $2.99. The hardcopy is $9.99. I'm sorry the price is rather high, but that is almost rock bottom that Amazon will let me. As you know, my writings are morally clean and, from what my fans say, very entertaining. Also, this book depicts the life in San Francisco in 1886. It is educational.
Cap Summers was a peaceful man, or so he thought. However, he had the misfortune to tangle with greedy cattlemen of the Cheyanne Club in Wyoming. They had tried to kill him, but that didn’t work out so well for the cattlemen. The cattlemen didn’t fare so well and they asked the government for a solution. The government yielded to their desires and strongly suggested that Cap move on to San Francisco. The government’s reasoning wasn’t well thought out. If Cap could get in trouble with the surrounding local community that was sparsely populated, think of what trouble he could get into in a crowded city? Although Cap vowed to not get into trouble, it wasn’t long before he was knee deep in taking on international intrigue, kidnapping, corrupt gambling, the re-emergence of Black Bart, gambling, jewel theft, just to name a few.