Inspirational, frustrating, uplifting, challenging, miraculous are some of the words that came to my mind as I read Mike Lindell's story. Even though I know the successful ending before I started reading, I couldn't get over the roller coaster ride he took me on in his ups and downs of his life. I got so angry with some of his choices along the way, but maybe those were necessary to get him where he is today. The title, "What Are the Odds?" is perfect on so many levels with his gambling, his addictions, and his actual survival. There are many times that it was miraculous he made it to live to see another day. My Pillow isn't just a bunch of products, it isn't just a brand, it's a dream that became a reality that has come to help many other people besides Mike Lindell. It seems Mike had to hit rock bottom to realize his calling and now he is using his experience, his ingenuity, and his success to help others. Mike Lindell is a real life example of with God all things are possible.
