Since March 2020, America has been led by, and into fear, hiding and running from COVID-19. President Trump is a natural fighter, not a run and hide kind of guy. However, it seems obvious everyone else in Washington, and all but a few Governors, are fearful sheep willing to lose every freedom for an illusion of safety from COVID-19.

So, President Trump is just 1 guy against all the other sheep leaders who have surrendered to fear. Fear has crashed the American economy, not COVID-19. The mortality rate is the same as the FLU mortality for the healthy, younger, working Americans. Why stop healthy, younger, productive Americans from working? And common sense easily figures out how to protect high risk people. New York, NOT! Who would stack COVID-19 infected people in nursing homes? Duh!

I submit, fear based decisions produce the worst outcomes. In sports, business, sales, relationships, and investing, when fear controls the mind, you always lose. America is absolutely running in fear of COVID-19. And losing because of that.

Of course, opportunistic politicians know fear provides them with willing sheep as citizens. Fearful citizens are perfect pawns for those in power to expand and entrench their power. All the politicians need do is keep lying about solutions (vaccine soon!)

Fear, ignorant fear, media driven fearmongering, has produced hiding inside, hiding behind masks, shutdown of America and economic disaster.

Only by renewal of the American spirit en masse can we be the land of the free, and the home of the brave, again.