presents some Founding History and a Plan to form Volunteer Groups in every County, 3,144, learn Facts of Creation, Fraud of Evolution and attend every School Board Meeting demanding the Bible and Creation be put back in Education. In 1963 US Supreme Ct banded the Bible from Public Schools. In 1981, University of Houston did a study to determine where the Idea of 3 Co-Equal Branches of Government originated. UH published that Writings and Speeches of Founders declared that Isaiah 33:22 was the source, "The Lord is our Judge, the Lord is our Law Giver, the Lord is our King he will save us." Today, 80% of America's Children are taught that our Creator does not exist and the Bible is irrelevant Fairy Tales.

If our Creator does not return for 30-50 years what will the 80% do to America and our Great Grand Children? I have 20 Greats.

John Robb
Peoria, IL
309 208 3953