America Studios' vison is to create entertainment filled with uplifting stories about what makes America the greatest country in the history of the world.

Our first film will tell the true story of how a group of schoolboys from the Plattsburg Academy chose not to evacuate as they were instructed – but rather, to take up arms and defend their homes, their town, and their country during the War of 1812.

They were young – 14, 15 and 16 years old. 9 Days a Soldier relives the incredible story of when Hiram Walworth and his friends were formed into “Aiken’s Volunteer Rifle Company.” They fought, they made a difference, and one of the boys paid the ultimate price.

In order to take this step, we are asking for the support of those that share the vision of America Studios and are able to partner with us on this journey. Learn more and contribute here:

America Studios - Telling the Great Stories

America Studios - Telling the Great Stories

America Studios puts to film the great stories of when profound principles and exemplary people coincided with the hand of Providence.