Everyone can have their own opinion and believe what they choose to believe. It’s America. Not everyone is the same. But I know I’m not alone in my beliefs that what is happening now is insanity. Mask up. Don’t gather. Hide in your house. Defund the police....
They say we are the silent majority. I’m not going to be. We get no air time. We don't burn things down or tear things up. We don’t hurt others. We go to work and support our families. We love America! We want to protect the unborn. We salute the flag, always. We sing when "The Star Spangled Banner" plays. We respect law enforcement, appreciate them and obey the law. We appreciate the military. We are the very backbone of this country. We believe all lives matter because that is what we learned from reading the Bible and watching our parents. We treat everyone with respect no matter what color their skin is.
But they want us to be invisible! Let’s be heard! It’s time to start making some noise!!! #silentnomore

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