Why are we afraid to share our dreams?

I am talking about the ones we have at night. Everyone on the planet has had dreams, some are good but a large percentage of them are strange, weird, or downright frightening.

What I am wondering is why are we afraid to share them, especially when we know that everyone we could possibly share them with have had their own weird dreams?

Is it because we have actually shared them with someone who was critical of them? Or is it just a fear that people will think we are weird, crazy (or worse) if we share them; even when everyone knows that no one has control over what they dream?

I think it goes beyond that.

If you know me at all you know that I have done some interesting things simply by believing and acting on a dream. As a result of my experience in this I do have a few insights on why we experience fear at the thought of allowing others to know what we see in our night time dreams, but first I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

Why are we afraid to share our dreams? Or, more specifically, why are you afraid to share your night time dreams?