Hello USA'ers. I live in Portland, OR and our air quality at present is very bad. The smoke from the fires is so thick that from my balcony we can barely see across the road to the other side. Our complex underwent extensive renovations and we have excellent windows that don't let anything in, same with the door to the balcony. Our ductless a/c units do not bring air in from outside so if we keep our windows and door shut we can breathe fairly well. Those of us with asthma and other respiratory conditions can really feel the effects. We have been ordered by our building Admin not to leave our apartment unless it is absolutely necessary. Many friends from nearby have been ordered to evacuate or be ready to evacuate. I feel fortunate that we can shelter in place at present. It is real folks. This is just the beginning. Many of the fires were intentionally set. So get your bug out bags packed and be ready for anything. This truly is just the beginning!