Word of the Day: COVIDiot
co·vi id·i·ot
1. A stupid person fool, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, or dunce, that believes there is a COVID- Pandemic and all of the mandates created by bureaucrats must be followed.
2. A stupid person fool, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, or dunce, that believes it is their responsibility to report anyone that is fishing alone without a mask, surfing without a mask, etcetera.
3. A person that wears a mask when alone,
4. A stupid person fool, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, or dunce, that believes it is everyone else's responsibility to make them feel safe by wearing a mask.
5. A stupid person fool, ass, halfwit, nincompoop, or dunce, that believes our inalienable rights must be taken away to protects the citizens from the COVID Virus