Must Read!
After WW2, there was a Jew who arrived in NY without anything. He came across a man who had a couple of buildings and explained his circumstances and asked the man if he could live in a unit in one of his buildings and as he started working he would be able to pay rent. The man agreed. Later, the Jew’s friend was rescued (again, same circumstances came with nothing) and reunited with his old friend. The newcomer asked his friend if he knew of a unit that he could live in until he started working. His friend told him about this man who helped him, and maybe he would be willing to make the same arrangements for him. They met and the man gave the friend a unit to live in until he started working and was able to pay rent. Time passed, and Passover was around the corner. The two friends went to the Rebbe and asked him for a favor. They told the Rebbe about this man and asked the Rebbe if he could call him and ask him if he could help them buy provisions for Passover. The Rebbe, after hearing of this man’s generosity to Jews who were just rescued, agreed to make the call. The man, shocked that he would receive a call from the Rebbe, advises the Rebbe that the men could buy whatever they needed and he would cover all costs. Having been in the concentration camps and not being able to pray, the two friends longed for hearing prayers on the high holidays. The friends approached the Rebbe again and asked if he would speak to the man again and ask him if he could arrange for them to have services in the city. The Rebbe told the friends, this request is too big for a phone call. So, the Rebbe invited the man to dinner. The Rebbe made the request. The man’s reply was, not only will I arrange for them to have services in the city, but I will build them the biggest and most beautiful synagogue in the middle of the city. The man did. That man was Fred Trump. His son became president. No one needs to wonder why on election night 2016, Ivanka was at the Ohel. The Trumps and the Rebbe have a connection that goes way back. That’s probably why Chabad loves Trump so much.
My mother always says, when I tell her to slow down and stop running to help everyone and take care of herself, that the mitzvahs she’s doing now is for her children and grand children. Fred showed us an important lesson, your mitzvahs never go unrewarded.

May the mitzvahs we do inure to our children’s benefit.