There is a great stirring in the spiritual world. This coming election is not really about personalities or even issues, it is about the Kingdom of God and the timing of God’s plan for the last days, the Day of the Lord. This election is about the destiny of America and the timing of last days events. This election is going to be Biblical.
I believe that this election is a modern-day “Sodom and Gomorrah” issue [Gen 18:20, 23-26, 32-33].
As intercessors today we stand as “Abrahamic” intercessors pleading with God about a coming judgment against America. The outcry of America is indeed great, and our sin is exceedingly grave. As intercessors we say, “will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Shall not the Judge of all the earth deal justly?”
This is what I (and others) think the Lord is saying in response to these questions.
I will not bring judgment to America if enough righteous people can be found to re-elect my chosen servant to the presidency of the United States. If he is re-elected, you will have four more years of mercy and grace. If not, judgment will come. This election is about the destiny of America and the timing of last days events.