IF , IF , IT'S NOT VOTER FRAUD THEN CAN SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME WHEN THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS AND BIDEN ONLY GETS UNDER 30-50 PER CAMPAIGN STOP ????. But Biden has more supporters HHEELLOO people wake up . For we wrestle not againts not flesh and blood , And believe it PEOPLE we are in the most important Presidential race the U.S.A has ever seen . Now saying all of that
I feel this is GOD telling the church
HEY HEY WAKE UP and come back to ME NOW , yes Trump has done things that are monumental , but DO NOT PUT HIM ON A PEDISTAL to be knocked off that so called pedistal . NOW I CHALLANGE ALL CHRISTIAN PEOPLE to pick a time of the day or night AND PRAY FOR OUR NATION LIKE WE HAVE NEVER PRAYED BEFORE . GOD bless us all