Democrats, Republicans,................ Americans, take a deep breath.

Due to a series of close calls, some state laws, and some mathematical irregularities; there will be investigation. There will be several recounts. At this point in the election process, your party affiliation should not matter. What should greatly concern every single American, is the possibility that some group or entity, ANY ENTITY, could possibly have the ability to sway an election. Do you realize what that means? The incredibly frightening consequence of what it really means?
When a third party can place into office, anyone they choose, Americans no longer have a voice. The integrity of the process is gone. You are essentially being told, you will be governed by whoever is decided for you.
It doesn't matter if you are a Democrat or Republican at this point. The future of all Americans is what should concern every single one of us. If the investigations conclude that only isolated vote irregularities occurred and they would not have influenced the result, we should condemn those responsible, and I would anticipate (demand) a clean transition. However, if hundreds of thousands of ballots were altered, created, or removed; it should anger and scare the hell out of ALL Americans in BOTH parties!!!
No matter who you voted for, your voice will have been stolen, your rights trampled, and the future of your country and children left in the hands of whoever is decided to be best for you. All Americans should be calling for complete transparency. All Americans should be asking that all vote counting (in every election) be verified. All Americans should demand their voice be heard and elections remain a process of the people.