Donald Trump must be a prophet of God, or something even greater.
Blessed are you, whenever men shall hate you and shall separate you and shall insult you and shall cast out your name as evil for The Son of Man's sake.
Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for your reward is great in Heaven, for so were their fathers doing to The Prophets.- Luke 6:22,23
Woe to you when men shall say wonderful things about you, for so were their fathers doing to the false Prophets!- Luk 6:26
In the light of the above words of Jesus, I say that President Donald Trump is blessed like no man alive is blessed, for there is no man alive who is as hated, ostracized, insulted and whose very name is cast out and tread upon as evil itself. This he suffers for the cause of his nation and the cause of truth and The Christ Whom he worships, and whose word he upholds.
I hope Donald Trump is rejoicing as Jesus commanded such should rejoice, for his lot is with the prophets of old who were persecuted and martyred for simply speaking the truth. Great is his reward in Heaven!
If he were a false prophet, Jesus said people would be saying wonderful things about him. I cannot even hear his so-called friends saying wonderful things about Donald Trump. They may attack his enemies; they may defend him to a certain point; some will criticize him to give the impression that they are objective and not toadies and sycophants, but very few are heard praising Donald Trump’s wonderful deeds.
These are all good signs for him.
These are great signs for our nation as well.
I say to you, there is not a Prophet among those born of women who was greater than Yohannan (John) The Baptizer, but a little one in the Kingdom of God is greater than he.- Luke 7:28
I would be afraid to think that I would take my place among those who hate, vilify, curse, ostracize and insult as evil one of God’s messengers and servants whom He has sent to us.
The thought should make you shudder as well.
Perhaps God’s enemies defy Him to reveal Himself and punish them, proving His presence?
Perhaps. But those with eyes opened can see; those with hearing ears can hear. Those whose spirits live can feel and know what is right and true; what is evil and a lie.