If the majority of the legal citizenship of the USA actually voted for higher taxes, no choice in insurance, outsourcing industry, paying more money to foreign governments, advancing abortion rights past birth and are lining up for a record setting speed sprint towards socialist economy and communist rule? Well then, my fellow Americans, we will have crossed the finish line for our Representative Republic and we can sign the death certificate for the American dream. With it dies the hope for all people who suffer real oppression the world over. Persecuted people who yearn for liberation from tyrannical regimes will no longer have reason to gather in protest, wave American Flags and sing The Star Spangled Banner with accents so heavy, you know many of them do not fully understand the words. Yet to them it meant hope because they knew the flag they were waving and the tune they were singing represented freedom for everyone everywhere, including them. Their voices and ours will be silenced not merely by "political correctness" but on the alter of social justice and critical race theory as has happened with every other thriving nation that died on the trash heap of socialism. Deceitful ideology preached to the masses by corrupt politicians, hungry for power and preying on ignorant people eager to embrace the lie that it is unfair for your neighbor to have more than you irregardless of the circumstance because everyone should have money for nothing and everything free. I believe what Mr. Biden promised... "a dark winter is coming." Take a stand while you still can.