For those of you who have ever played cards and especially POKER, you know that an Inside Straight is the fifth highest of all poker hands, and it consists of 5 cards, like Jh-10s-9d-8c-7h, all in sequential order but not all in the same suit. The odds of getting this hand are about 8%. Very seldom does one draw these cards and win at the hand of POKER.
We have just had an election that borders on the results of a POKER hand. The point is, that this election just isn’t over yet. WE THE PEOPLE have not had our say at the voting center; at least not yet. The correct and honest vote count does matter.
There is not one person if they really took the time and looked within themselves who wouldn’t want a fair election. The Crooked Media have chosen to push the narrative that (Ole Beijing Biden) has won because the specific states have given their electoral vote to him even tough in some cases the count isn’t over yet. The reason is that they have from the beginning been in bed with the Radical Far-Left Democrats because of the HATE they have had for President Trump.
WINNING WITH AN INSIDE STRAIGHT is difficult at best. You might be holding the Ace, the King, the Queen, and the Jack; then looking for the Ten to win. Unfortunately, in cards some cheating will go on and that I totally disapprove of and there should always be consequences if CHEATING or FRAUD exists. Sometimes a person holding the top four cards may think that they have a win and that they will then collect the pot. Not So! At least not always when the possibility of not pulling the needed Ten could cause them to lose. This is the way cards will go sometimes and so it is with elections.
WAKE UP AMERICA AND SMELL THE ROSES. To all those readers who have kept up with my 34 Articles probably know that I still have thoughts and that I want to share these thoughts with you. I don’t expect my Facebook Friends and Family who voted for (Ole Beijing Biden) to understand, but it isn’t over until it’s over. The Crooked Media has called enough states with their electoral votes to side with (Ole Beijing Biden), but not so fast. Oh Yes! It looks like (Ole Basement Joe) has won, but the COURTS have not concluded that the election was completed without MISREPRESENTATION and FRAUD. Only time will tell where we go from here.
Just as it is with cards so it is that President Trump could very easily be rewarded states such as: Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, and so on. Well! You know what happens then; President Trump will be declared the WINNER and (Ole Beijing Biden) can plan for his retirement back in his basement. Of course, this is my opinion because he can get as much done there as he has over these past 47 years. NOTHING! This can happen just like in cards with an Inside Straight and getting the last card needed will WIN the hand.
All those Trump supporters, which is at least half the country are pulling for President Trump. Any idiot can see that there was Fraud of some type in many different states. Those teary-eyed Democrats including the Crooked Media may just have to eat a little crow once these court proceedings have been resolved and the recounts are completed.
I think that WINNING WITH AN INSIDE STRAIGHT is very possible and this election is far from being over. Those with GOD and LOVE in their hearts may very well see a turn in the tide in the weeks to come. What I’m saying is, there could be a different outcome than what we are hearing from the Crooked Media.
God works in mysterious ways and knowing that God still has a plan and will BLESS the United States with the Best Direction Possible is certain for me. I’ll never give up HOPE and will keep my FAITH that God will PREVAIL.
WINNING WITH AN INSIDE STRIGHT is where I see this election turning where President Trump will draw that fifth card needed and will secure another four years in office to help the American people. ALL the people. Continuing to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Turning back the clock to the election year of 2000 I saw a contested election that resulted in to a different ending for the Democrats. George Bush won narrowly in Florida and did have specific decisions that leaned towards a victory. In other words, Al Gore would have been President, but he lost. It took 37 days to determine the final results so we must be patient to let this process run its course.
If there is found to be FRAUD or INCOMPETENCE the voters have a right to know. WE THE PEOPLE must protect the integrity of this country, the Rule of Law, and our great Constitution so we can expect a FAIR and HOPNEST election. This might mean that after all the court battles and all the RECOUNTS that President Trump may very well remain in the White House for another four years. To me, this would be like WINNING WITH AN INSIDE STRAIGHT.
God Bless Everyone & God Bless America