Questions Seeking Answers
“A Biblical View of the Past, Present, & Future”
‘A Prophetic Odyssey’

1. Could it be true that Christians in the “Church Age” were not to look for the Second Coming?
2. When was the Lord Jesus conceived and what is his date of birth and that of John the Baptist?
3. What is the cause for the false teachings of a “Mid-Trib” and a “Post-Trib” Rapture?
4. How did the Jewish way of keeping time allow the Lord Jesus to fulfill His promise of being resurrected from the dead after three days and three nights in the grave within “40 hours?”
5. Why will the earth’s 24-hour rotation increase to a 16-hour rotation during the seven years that precede the Second Coming [2nd Advent] of the Lord Jesus Christ?
6. What is the simplest way to know the day of the 2nd Advent after a seven-year defense treaty (Dan. 9:27) is signed between the leaders of Israel and the president [Antichrist] of the EU?
7. Would you like to read the “Olivet Discourse” with EVERY word accounted for in the exact sequence in which it was said by the Lord Jesus to Peter, James, John, and Andrew?
8. Has the LORD [self-existent ONE] always told WHAT He would do, WHY, and WHEN He would do so? Is God is a “date-setter” who has never played gotcha with mankind?
9. Has the LORD always given a warning of His coming judgment, followed by a sign to authenticate His warning of coming judgment and concluding with His judgment?
10. Why does the religion of Islam [submission] have to die and how will it do so in one day?
11. Out of which nation will the Antichrist come?
12. How will sleeping [unaware] Christians, wake up [become aware] and know the day of the Rapture (Mt. 25:1-13)?
13. What is the prophetic significance for each of the Seven Holy Feasts of the LORD (Lev. 23)?
14. How are the two doctrines of “election” and “free will” both biblically true and conflict free?
15. What are the “seven” ministries of God, the Holy Spirit, during our current “Age of Grace” and which of His ministries is the one that will cease with the Rapture?
16. What are the five “ages” [dispensations] of time?
17. What is the “will” of God for mankind in our current “Age of Grace?”
18. Did Mary, after the birth of the Lord Jesus, make a sacrifice for her own sins in the Temple?
19. What is known about the half-brothers and the half-sisters of the Lord Jesus?
20. How does anyone manage to get their name placed into the “Lamb’s Book of Life?”

The answers to all of the above questions and many others may be found on:

It is hoped that the contents in this treatise will truly educate, edify, and encourage all who read it, including Christian believers and non-believers alike. Come, learn, and be blessed. Maranatha!