⚘ Please know David that Rick and I continue to pray for Lucita's healing. The Lord our God is bigger than this Coronavirus! ✞ Jesus... said, “There are some things that people cannot do, but God can do anything.” Jesus went about... teaching... and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. Our LORD, no other gods compare with you—Majestic and holy! Fearsome and glorious! Miracle worker! With all my heart ♡ I praise the LORD! \o/ The LORD forgives our sins, heals us when we are sick, and protects us from death. His kindness and lღve are a crown on our heads. ♕ Each day that we live, he provides for our needs and gives us the strength of a young eagle. His lღve never fails. How great is God’s lღve for all who worship him! The LORD renews our hopes and heals our bodies. Our LORD is great and powerful! He understands everything. Worship him and trust his lღve. Praise the LORD your God! \o/ God lets you live in peace. Matt. 19:26 CEV, Matt. 4:23 KJV, Ex. 15:11, Ps. 103:2a, 3-5, 8b, 11a, Ps. 147:2a, 3, 5, 11b, 12b, 14a CEV ✞ Rick ღ Janice ⚘
